ADMN pls as soon as possible fix all of the following problems before the rise
of the server's population growth grinds down to a halt.
1. PVP no pots and warp, this is the server's biggest problem, players forget the true meaning
of pvp and just rely on potions(ygg) and don't bother to find ways how to improve their build.
*Solution: if the potion removal on the pvp is impossible, increase of the prices of healing items on the mall such as special moon snack from 50k to 5m and reducing all 50% and 100% healing items to 25% (12.5% would be better)will do. This is to prevent the players from relying on spamming pots and focus on skills and builds.
2. Decrease on all prizes(events, agits, etc.). Let us start thinking about the server's future. If we continue to give such big amounts of prizes(50pc=500m=1 custom) the server's economy will never start, we will never see vendors or offers on our streets and gold room will be useless. I recommend giving 5-10PC per event and to stop giving out MVP cards, players sometimes stop hunting and just focus on winning an event.
3. The addition of quests and the increase of price on all the custom headgears from 500m-1.5b will make the server more challenging, more addicting and more fun to play. And I hope the new customs will be as hard as a stone to make.
*Admin pls think about my recommendations and I'm not lying about the server's status. Players now start to complain boredom on the server. All of these recommendations are based on the players' opinion, recommendations and qualms on the server. Please remeber that all of these are not just any trifling recommendations, these are to be given action ASAP, these are for our population, these are for our players' satisfaction and joy, these are for our community.